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10 Most Effective Ways To Finish A Presentation

  • September 25, 2020

No matter how long you speech or presentation is, at a certain point you’ll get to the end and have to wrap up. How can you close the lecture? What can you say as a closure to keep the audience’s attention so they remember your message long? How shall you…


Make An Impact – How To Start A Presentation

  • June 4, 2020

An effective start, an introduction of a lecture is at least as important to success as the key message itself, or the ending. The purpose of the introductory sentences is to raise the audience’s curiosity and direct their attention to our topic. If you choose effective methods to start your…


Are They Telling The Truth? Do They Lie? Watch These Signs To Find Out!

  • May 19, 2020

Researches show that people commit several smaller and bigger lies day by day. These include harmless statements (e.g., ’I didn’t do the shopping because I didn’t have time ’), as well as fibs that aim to avoid hurting the emotions of others (e.g., ’This suit will look swell on you!’).…


Can Introverts Become Extroverts?

  • May 7, 2020

Does personality change? Can introverts become extroverts? This is a question that has been raised several times. Charles realizes that he is introverted and knows how he can recharge when he feels drained. What he likes best is simple. Going home after a tiring work day, nestling himself in his…


Your Next Job Interview Is Conducted By A Robot?

  • April 14, 2020

What are your chances that a job interview is conducted by a robot? Can it be possible that one day they will be able to lead an interview, thus replacing the interviewer? If so, the question arises: can they judge, on the basis of a virtual conversation, whether the job…

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