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Survival Tips For Christmas If You Are Introverted

  • December 21, 2019

Survival tips for Christmas, if you are introverted! Vicky is looking forward to Christmas this year very much. She has been working a lot throughout the year. Her annual leave took only for a few days, therefore she is excited to spend plenty of holiday time with her family soon.…


What Do MBTI Personality Types hate? 2nd part: INTROVERTS

  • December 11, 2019

If you have read our post on MBTI personality types, you are probably aware by now which one of the 16 MBTI types- that are represented by four letters- you belong to. The categories contain four sets of letters that are: introversion and extroversion (I and E), sensing and intuition…


What Do MBTI Personality Types hate? 1st part: EXTROVERTS

  • December 11, 2019

If you have read our post on MBTI personality types, you are probably aware by now which one of the 16 MBTI types-that are represented by four letters-you belong to. The categories contain four sets of letters that are: introversion and extroversion (I and E), sensing and intuition (S and…


5 Body Language Mistakes You Should Avoid

  • December 1, 2019

Arthur is going through a difficult time. He has been working for a year in a large logistics warehouse that supplies toys to stores in the entire country. It is his job to select the right product and place it on the production line on time. Although Arthur works accurately,…


The Key To Success: The Extroverted Employee?

  • November 27, 2019

a Have you ever heard the assumption that extroverted people work better than introverted ones, and they are the ones who can achieve outstanding performance? Yes, there are many people around us who think this way. They believe that since extroverted people enjoy the company of others and are keen…


I’m Introverted! Can I Be a Good Leader?

  • November 2, 2019

Have you ever heard the remark that extroverted people perform better in the workplace than introverted leaders? Have you heard conceptions saying that someone who is introverted cannot be a successful leader? Neither this belief, nor that view is incorrect that those persons achieve the best results who are extremely…


Similar Patterns between Public Speaking and Job Interviews

  • October 25, 2019

You may not notice, but job interviews and public speaking are similar in some aspects. Both  job interviews and other types of interviews (a TV interview, too) are  a kind of self-presentation situations. Practically, the same is true for the public speech or a lecture. The speakers or candidates “presents”…


How Does Body Language Affect Others and Ourselves?

  • May 21, 2019

How much does our body language and gesture influcence the image that others make of us? Also, how do these signs affect ourself and our self-image? Does it matter in a conversation or in a negotiation? Certainly, body language has a significant impact on people around us, their way of…


Arguing As An Introvert

  • May 11, 2019

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to argue to protect your opinion? Did you feel that the others were confident about themselves, but you were reluctant to take part in the argument, even if you knew you were right? Arguing as an introvert might definitely be…

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