How Much Do You Know About Positive Psychology? QUIZ August 3, 2023 How much do you know about positive psychology? Take this quiz and find out. To learn more, read our article here. 1. What is Positive Psychology? The study of positive emotions, strengths, and virtues in fostering happiness. A science that studies happy people dancing around in unicorn costumes. The secret formula to turning broccoli into ice cream. 2.What is the "Happiness Set Point" theory? A magical button that instantly makes you happy. A theory that suggests people have a genetically predetermined level of happiness. The point in time when you find hundred dollars in your pocket you forgot about. 3. What is one way to boost happiness according to Positive Psychology? Eating a whole chocolate cake in one sitting. Practicing gratitude by keeping a daily journal of things you are thankful for. Wearing mismatched socks every day. This causes instant happiness. 4. How can you enhance your well-being using Positive Psychology? Watching cat videos for 10 hours straight. Balancing a spoon on your nose while singing the national anthem. Utilizing your personal strengths in daily activities. 5. What is the significance of positive relationships in our lives? They provide a never-ending supply of free pizza. They grant us superpowers on the weekends. They contribute to our overall happiness and well-being. 6. Which of the following is a key component of building strong social connections? Expressing genuine care and empathy towards others. Creating a club for people who wear mismatched socks. Sending telepathic messages to your friends 7. What is a practical strategy to improve communication and resolve conflicts positively? Settle all disagreements through rock-paper-scissors tournaments. Resolve conflicts through dance-offs. Practice active listening and seeking to understand each other's perspectives. 8. Which of the following is a Positive Psychology book you should read? "The Happiness Project" "The Secret Guide to Finding Unicorns" "The Science of Turning Cookies into Gold" 9.How can you apply Positive Psychology at work? Hosting a daily office dance party. Creating a positive work environment that fosters employee motivation and productivity. Hiring a clown to tell jokes during meetings. 10. What can you do to enhance your happiness right now? Staring at a wall for an hour. This calms your mind. Balancing a spoon on your nose while hopping on one foot. Taking a moment to appreciate the little joys in life.