Are You Stressed in Everyday Life? Quiz January 29, 2020 Is your life stressful? Are you worried about your job or your private life? Or maybe you are anxious about your health? Take this quiz and find out! It will be fun! 1. How much have you felt stressed over the past one week in general, in all areas of your life? I did not feel myself stressed at all I felt stress, but only a bit and not more than once or twice I felt stress a couple of times (3-4 times), but it was not strong or did not take long Most of the days were very stressful, sometimes it lasted long My last week was extremely stressful, much more than usual 2. If you consider your relationship with your friends an family: how much did you feel the signs of stress in your private life over the past one week? I did not feel myself stressed at all in my private life I felt stress a bit, but I was able to handle I felt stress a couple of times (3-4 times), sometimes weaker, sometimes stronger Most of the days were very stressful, sometimes it lasted long I felt extreme stress, much more than usual in my private life 3. Have you been you anxious about your job in the past one week? If you are still a student, the question is about your studies. If none of the above, it refers to your latest studies or job. I did not feel myself anxious at all I felt anxious a bit, but I was able to handle I felt anxiety a couple of times (3-4 times), sometimes weaker, sometimes stronger I felt strong anxiety, more than usual I was extremely anxious about my job/studies 4. Are you concerned about losing your job or not able to find a job? If you are still a student: are you concerned that you won't be able to finish your studies? If none of the above applies to you: are you worried that there might be an unfavorable change in your life ? No, I am not concerned about this at all I am a bit concerned about it, but it occurs rarely I am concerned about it on a moderate level. It may worry me a couple of times during the week, however it occurs sometimes that I even do not think about it at all. Yes, in most cases I am concerned about it Yes, I am concerned about this very much, almost all the time 5. Are you worried about your financial status? No, I am not worried about this at all I am a bit worried about it, but it occurs rarely I am worried about it on a moderate level. It may stress me a couple of times during the week, however it occurs sometimes that I even do not think about it at all. Yes, in most cases I am worried about it Yes, I am worried about this very much, almost all the time 6. Are you worried about your health condition? No, I am not worried about this at all I am a bit worried about it, but it occurs rarely I am worried about it on a moderate level. It may stress me a couple of times during the week, however it occurs sometimes that I even do not think about it at all. Yes, in most cases I am worried about it Yes, I am worried about this very much, almost all the time 7. Have you faced relationship-related issues recently? If you haven't had a boyfriend/girlfriend recently, think about a relationship with a close friend or family member. I haven't faced such an issue at all recently I have faced this kind of issue recently, but it was not serious and I overcame it easily I faced this issue a couple of times recently (3-4 times a week generally) I faced this issue most of the time recently, more than usual Yes, this was my biggest issue in my life recently 8. Have you felt yourself overloaded or overwhelmed over the past one week? Not at all Yes, but maximum once or twice and I was able to handle it Yes, on a moderate level, about 3-4 times a week I felt myself overloaded most of the times Yes, I have been feeling myself constantly and strongly overloaded and overwhelmed 9. In general, how satisfied are you with your life in in these days? I am completely satisfied with my life, everything is just perfect Most of the time I am satisfied, things tend to be turn out fine generally I am pleased to a moderate degree: things happen to be fine and not fine either I am not satisfied with my life, most of my things are not going well I am very much dissatisfied, all my things are going negative in all areas of my life 10. Can you think about any problems or stressful issues that you are struggling with even in this right moment? There is no such thing at all in my life right now There may be some issues currently, but they are not serious and I can handle them There are a couple of stressful issues coming to my mind, but these worry me only to a moderate extent. Some of them are less stressful, some of them are more stressful. Yes, there are a lot of them. Most of them cause me worries. Yes. My life is constantly filled with lots of stress and problems to an extreme degree. Get my result!